Safety Days is a practical accident prevention programme intended to promote responsible work culture by educating workers in terms of adequate use of both, the HSE-related equipment and procedures. It aims at enhancing the awareness of consequences of inconsistent or improper use of personal protection equipment at specific work station.
As a part of the Safety Days programme we offer trainings and workshops adapted to the industry and nature of a company, which are related to:
- Regulatory requirements for protective clothing and PPE
- Verification and proper selection of PPE at the specific work station
- Work at height
- Hearing protection
- Eyes protection
- Hands and legs protection
- Head protection
- Respiratory protection
The detailed programme of the Safety Days is determined based on actual needs of a customer and its employees. At the workshops we provide access to interesting tutorials, results of tests carried out in recognized European work safety research institutes and scenarios imitating different types of hazards present at the specific work station.
During the Safety Days we use educational materials and experience of our trade partners: DuPont, TenCate and producers of personal protection equipment, like: 3M, MSA, Honeywell, UVEX, Z-style.
We offer organisation of Safety Days on-site, in actual work environment or outside it, in training centres specially adapted to our programme.
Practical trainings preparing workers to work at height during which we present hazards and good practice related to that type of occupational activities. As a part of the workshops, our trainees are presented the standards and regulations as well as equipment for work at height and instructed how to use it properly. During the trainings we strongly emphasise the threats related to “suspension trauma” as well as present methods and techniques of evacuation of people injured after falling from height.
For the organisation of trainings on works at height we take advantage of 3M’s experience and provide access to specialised training platform of Mobile 3M Fall Protection Laboratory, thanks to which we are able to carry out the workshops at every construction site and in every place. Participants of trainings organised by Krystian have the opportunity to experience firsthand account what happens to human body when falling from height. We present “true falls” of 100 kg load from 4 meter Demo Vana tower using polyamide rope, shock absorber and self-braking devices. After completing the simulation of the so called, destructive tests, we analyse the results. In particular, we discuss in detail the issues related to suspension trauma and first aid.
Basic Tutorial preparing to work at height is composed of three parts:
I. Lecture: standards, good practices, hazards (Duration: 1.5 – 2 hours)
II. Practical exercises: mobile 3M Demo Van laboratory (Duration: 2 hours)
a. anchoring points,
b. harness,
c. elements connecting employee with anchoring point,
III. Practical exercises: evacuation from height. (Duration: 2 hours)
d. evacuation of employee using rescue equipment,
e. fist aid for person affected by falling from height
Trainings organised by Krystian significantly enhance awareness of employees working at height.